Everything you wanted to know about massage therapy but were afraid to ask.

Patients and non-patients alike can take advantage of our dedicated massage therapy room, where a fully licensed massage therapist is available for 60 and 90 minute sessions by appointment. It’s a professional, relaxing, clean, and safe environment where you can get a fabulous massage, without the fancy spa upcharge.

massageroomBut for every person whose eyes light up when they hear they can get a great & affordable massage right here, there are those of you with questions. Questions that usually get whispered to us so the people in the waiting room don’t hear you. This is for you.

And truth be told, some of you without questions should look this over.

From the serious to the ridiculous, we’ll cover it all for you, and save you some embarrassment by embarrassing ourselves. And if there’s something you’d like to know that we don’t cover- hit us up in the comments or send us your question using the contact form at drmack.net!

(1) You don’t have to be completely nude. If the thought of a nude beach makes you cover your bits and say no way, you can exhale in relief. The most common option people take is to keep on their underwear. Does the idea of lying around in your undies still worry you? Then consider this: body parts are only uncovered as they are worked on, muscles that are resting will be tucked away, snug and cozy under a sheet. You will never be totally exposed because your therapist can’t work on every spot simultaneously. Sometimes a client will have other reasons they prefer to keep specific areas covered, and that’s fine too. Your comfort is our priority.



(2) You’re not the only one who is ticklish. You wouldn’t be the first person to giggle.


(3) Muscle work can be uncomfortable at times. Your therapist will try to release any tight muscle areas, (most people think of these as “knots”), which means applying pressure to them. If you’re coming in to have a deep tissue massage on tight muscles, don’t be surprised if they protest. But communication is key, so let your therapist know what you’re feeling. In the end the massage will provide sweet relief that will make any discomfort worth it!

deeptissue(4) If there’s a part of your body you don’t want touched, please say so. The reasons vary, but sometimes a client will have an area they rather not have touched at all. It’s best to bring this up before the massage begins to ensure you and your therapist are on the same page.

And no, a therapist in this office would never touch your private parts. Not even if you ask – more on this later.


(5) You are not expected to make conversation. This is YOUR time. It’s a time to relax and recharge. If making small talk during your massage makes you feel more relaxed then by all means, chat away! But sometimes, a client will talk through the entire session and we suspect it’s because they think they are expected to. It’s not a cocktail party, feel free drift away into happy thoughts. However, if talking with your therapist is something that makes you feel more comfortable that’s okay too! But whatever suits you, remember you should speak up anytime there is something you need to mention, such as pain.

(6) A little hygiene goes a long way. We’re not asking you to be fully waxed and polished as if you are about to walk the pageant stage, but a quick shower before your appointment is appreciated. This is something to think about if you’re coming to your massage straight from the gym, or after long day of working in the heat. The good news is just a quick wash will do, don’t go crazy applying lotions or perfumes because your therapist will be using products meant to enhance the therapeutic effect, and you don’t want to interfere with that. Also, while makeup isn’t a problem per se, we recommend you apply it after your massage as it is likely to end up smeared all over your face.


(7) Yes, you can still get a great massage when you’re pregnant!


It’s a fantastic way to deal with all of the discomfort that mothers may experience after the first trimester, but not every therapist has been trained in prenatal massage, which does differ from a standard massage. We are very lucky to have a therapist in our office with has the proper training to provide this service.



(8) The work is physically exhausting for your therapist. That’s why when we have a packed schedule and you call at the last minute we can’t squeeze you in, even when you’re a good client that’s been coming forever. On that note, your appointment is valuable time and if you need to cancel you should not put it off. We sometimes have people waiting for those spots to open up!


(9) No happy endings. excuse meThat’s right I said it – don’t ask for one. Don’t ask for one and then say you were just joking. Your therapist has friends and family to joke with, and will pass on the sex jokes with clients. Anyway, if that’s what you were expecting, you’ve confused massage therapist with a different kind of professional.





Questions? Call our office at 908-689-5110 or go to drmack.net and click the link for massage therapy.

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